General Discussion : One Night Stand Before Exam

. Thursday 28 April 2011

Let us talk about that famous kind of study of one night stand followed by the engineering students. First let me tell you what one night stand before exams is for those who don’t know it. One night stand before exams is a kind of study in which one tries to complete most of the syllabus in the night before the actual exams, then after giving the exam manages to get passing or good marks. Many of the students talk about it and somewhat feel proud by doing this (it is actually very difficult to complete syllabus of an engineering subject in one night). So what actually happens in a one night stand for exam next day that many students manage to pass the exam…?
First of all understand this that no one can complete an engineering subject in one night; having said that we also know that one night stands are actually successful and many students crack the exam by doing this. So how does this happen anyway….? The success of one night stand depends on many factors and they are:

Yes luck is one important factor here. It purely depends on your luck that which questions will come in the exam; the ones you have prepared or the ones that you have not. You may argue that luck is nothing but being prepared when opportunity comes, but lets not go into that here (we are talking about one night stand that means we cannot have much of a preparation).

Kind of subject
There are many kinds of subjects in any engineering syllabus. There are around 45-50 (this may vary for different branches) subjects in all the semesters of engineering. So the success of one night stand depends on the difficulty of the subject; all theory subject and you can be assured of passing that, all or most part of the subject being numerical problems then just forget about passing through one night stand.

Group Study
The success of one night stand study greatly depends on this. Study in a group has its benefits, let different people study different things, and then discuss what you all have studied with each other. A great amount of time is saved in this way and also more syllabus is covered.

Prior knowledge
If you have some prior understanding of the subject through the classes then you have increased chances of passing the exam through one night stand.

One night stand is very important for engineering students as many of them don’t study for the whole semester. The advantage of this is that you can have all the fun and great time of the engineering life without the worry of exams, the obvious disadvantage is having back logs if failed to pass the exams.

I would say not to totally depend on one night stand, start your preparation 8-10 days before exams, give a good fight in night before exam and the actual exam and you can be assured of passing any subject.