Career Planning Tips

. Thursday 21 April 2011

So you are freshly out of college and want to start off your career with your dream job; then don’t waste any time. Looking for a job is easy and actually finding one is also easy, but the hard part comes in finding the job that YOU WANT. Follow these tips and kick start your professional life.

Start Your Preparation
Start off by making your resume, if you already have a resume then update it and keep updating it regularly. Keep a professional resume ready for that dream job when the opportunity comes. Describe yourself as a valuable asset to the recruiters.

If you need help in creating the resume then follow the guidelines in this post.

Look for the right thing at the right place
Start looking for the job that you want in your current city. Look for them in the local newspapers, job hunting sites, regional job hunting websites, contact recruitment consultancies etc. Here are some few tips to help you find the jobs:
  • Look in the local newspapers.
  • Search in online job hunting websites and also regional websites.
  • Contact local recruitment agencies and send them your resume, but be aware of those who demand money first before giving you any interview offers.
  • Have your professional profiles set up on popular social networking websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin etc.
  • Another very effective method is cold calling local companies. Search for all the local companies in your geographical area which are related to your profile and take their phone numbers and addresses. Start calling their HR Managers for any kind of job openings related to your skills. If they have any then apply for that.
  • Create your professional network. Doing this is very important because nearly 50% jobs are not posted in any job hunting website or any newspaper. Contact any seniors or relatives that you have who are working and ask them for any references that they can provide. Keep doing this at regular time intervals until you get what you want.

Keep Learning
Never stop learning. Invest 2-3 hours daily learning new skills related to your profile while you are unemployed. You will be surprised to know that there are so many people that land up on jobs different than the ones they were looking for in the first place. So don’t stick to the same kind of jobs and have an out of the box thinking.

Changing Locations
If you don’t find any good jobs in your local city or area then by all means change the place where you live. Go to a place where the industry in which you want to go is blooming. Not only you will land on a job faster but also with good salary because of the high number of companies and demand for good candidates. So never hesitate in taking such kind of decision.

Have Right Mental Attitude
Job hunting can be a long and many times disappointing process, so always have a positive attitude and faith in your abilities. If you don't get a job then that does not mean end of the world. There are hundreds of companies and thousands of jobs out there. The best thing to do is to create a daily routine giving time to job search, applying for jobs, and learning new skills. Exercise daily to keep your body and mind healthy and always be positive.